O, God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all Patriarchs.
O, God of Moses, Aaron, Deborah and all Priests and Judges.
O, God of David, Solomon, Esther and all Kings and Queens.
O, God of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Anna and all Prophets and Prophetesses.
You are the God who appeared to men and women of ancient times,
Called them to follow you, trained them, disciplined them,
Purified and sanctified them
As to be your ministers.
You are the God who moved forward Salvation Story
Through characters and spirits of
Those Faithful men and women.
O, Father God of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You are the God who united yourself into whole mankind
Through incarnated person of Jesus Christ, your only begotten son,
Who died for us, resurrected for us,
Ascended and enthroned for us,
And will come to glorify us in final perfection.
O, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Please send us your Holy Spirit and baptize us
Again and again in this place.
Through your precious blood, and through fire of the Holy Spirit,
Purify us and sanctify us again and again in this sacred moment.
So that we will be transformed into men and women of God
To accomplish the great Salvation Story,
That is the great Salvation War for
Salvation and Redemption of whole mankind.
O, God of the Heroes of Faith, we ask you to come and touch us
In the power of the Blood and Fire,
Here and now.
In precious name of Jesus, we ask you.
Prayer in Sunday Worship at
International Conference on Training of the Cadets
28 April 2013, London
God of the Heroes of Faith